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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fwd: News from Thre President of The United States

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Date: Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 11:23 AM
Subject: News from Thre President of The United States

In attach URL is a story concerning John Chang, in the State Controllers office California is also a John Chang, in such likeness demand a investigation of and by the State Comptroller and Federal Bureau of Investigation, to clear Peoples Republic of China from any wrong doing in The United States. Other News as follows as not a releated subject but is link to new Judicial findings in the Jurisdiction of Elector; In the beginning of the Judicial Branch in the State of California, the Justice Books begin in 1850, with statutes pre Judge Tuttle of 1872, the Secant District of Water rights standing alone with the battle in rights of women in 1861 of David Porter. A Claim for building supplies came forward in the State Supreme Court on Jurisdiction of more or less 3000 dollars of a women to etch a plot of land out of the new statehood, shortly after Domique Pera'ta (Perea)in April 1854 while State was completing State Charter in its frist 6 years of Statehood of The United States. The juror's before 14th Amendment of the Bill of Rights had to be Elector to serve if one is to face a Juror while a Elector. In that the first Case of Elector to Juror came forward, the 1854 ruling of two Federal Counties of Shasta County (a union County from Oregon in full Statehood) and Contra Costa Couty of Bay area of the lumber Claim the still missing for the Home Constitution of Patent claim while she carried Porter's name, in the Landmark decision that sets Reverse in Motion; The Pera'ta has a 5 week residence requirement for People of the State in the Juror's place as Elector, that the United States Supreme Court decided on the Jurisdiction of the Ballot itself but the 1854 State decision is based on 5 week residence statue. In that a reverse of the 30 days "Voter Card in Post" is void in voting as in another Landmark Case in two County Tuolumne and Stanislaus of Supervisor Race of a violation of 30 day when 5 weeks is the statute cause Court error to upper Court on decision of Residence both namesake in Pera and Perea in Battle for Elector that the upper Court rest with 5 weeks, such is a fall to Florida 30 day law, that Senator Boxer saw in Social Security in claim of benefits to Residence. Since the 1854 5 week decision was not Jurisdiction define until the Election Decision of Counties in 2000 when the Justice of the Highest Court of the Land stated Counties are Federal to open up a relative small but United States now to bring a such statute forward through the 14th Amendment of The United States to the Juror into Elector in that the Tuolumne County Supervisor Ralph Perea 30 day argument by his Campaign Manager Guy Perea that in fact cause Presiding Judge Hardin to appoint the Position of Grand Juror investigator to Elect Ralph Perea of known 5 week, in which his Judicial appointment into Grand Juror investigator Satisfy the 5 week law of 1854 of relative Pera is the removal of 30 days and the 2000 United States Supreme Court of Bush vs Gore is United States Jurisdiction for the Ballot to qualify if 5 weeks County residence. Such fine line is the full understanding of Elector now as President of The United States in that the 5 week residence Guy Perea has quailfy in 2008 of November as full Elector that the case of Elector is term in both Acting and or office President of Bush and in such the Elector case of one Vote of Justice John Jay forward Power authority to Elector Perea, in such hold of mail by the Modesto Post office of the test of 30 days of October 7, 2008 to November 2008 of Ballot Federal Election involving again 5 weeks again place two Counties Stanislaus and Kings County, while the Elector in Federal Jurisdiction in Forma Paupis of United States Court of Appeals a Jurisdiction of lower court the United States District Court District Columbia the Special court of Railroad Act of Townships of Joaquin Valley, as each Patent land Township is 36 miles square, in such buildings in such lay along direction of the Rail as towns are lay out is residency of the 5 weeks law , and State of Colorado decision in Juror to find Jurisdiction of prisoner of Ballot voting on or off Prison or Parole again is the Juror 5 weeks 1854 Case Elector Perea (Pera) does satisfy Jurisdiction to file claim of Postal Fraudin denial forward Ballots in Case of a quailfy Elector Perea, in the 2008 Election, is Subject Matter President of The United States and the goods claim is granted. -------------- code to 1854 Case slide1.txt2KB slide2.txt2KB slide3.txt2KB slide4.txt2KBvNote_Thebill.vnt121Bytestotal11KB01:2310/16/201058Bytes total179Bytesplus8kB=8179-11000=<2821>theft by John Chang -------------- EBT07420510152010PT1.683s[o14017080210152010PT4.474s[o4060207372110162010PT1.193s[o40602T7.34s0.817671232cidcovcsac8/105mphnwNOTAMAIRMANREPORTpereagrDOTMETEROLOGY0.824255140.968115942ap0820evNote_EBT10152....380BytesvNote_EBT10152.vnt80Bytes6KB07:4310/16/201044Bytestotalbytes432of6KB=6000-432=5568less2821T2747theft by John Chang of 2 747's airplanes, to give to Hong Kong John Chang is the Peoples Republic of China use of Para Military intelligence illegally in the United States violate agreement in the Gulf of Tonkin on Meters per second, in such information forward to the United States Navy and National Security of illegally use of intelligence to gain commernce while in adverse trade agreement.

© 2010 Gale, Cengage Learning.

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b)  Confidentality Notice: The e-mail transmission may contain confidential ot legally privileged information that is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby, notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements can be made for proper delivery, and then delete the message from your system. Please consider the environment before printing this email. Title 42 USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau of as Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Notice of Removal of Office of Defendant Article IV General Provisions Section 2 (Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding" Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal; Is Notwithstanding "Dispite in spite of The government is current Executive Branch violating Notice of Removal, The Notice of Removal on the Obama Administration in personam. including Goods; Within 30 days after the defendent Barak Obama is served with process in suit case. 28 USCS section 1446; Murphy Bros. Inc. Vs Michetti Pipe Stringing Inc., 119 S.Ct 1322 (1999). In responce to Housekeeping.. 

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